Month: December 2020

  • BONUS: 2020 Blooper Reel!

    Well friends, we have a fun holiday surprise for you! We decided to close out this crazy year with something different; something that embraces imperfection, gives you a window into our silly sides, and hopefully gives you a laugh as we close out this tumultuous year. Welcome to our first (and hopefully not last) Edit Your Life blooper reel!

  • 2020 Reflections

    We’re just a couple of weeks out from the end of 2020, a time when many people are likely thinking, FINALLY, THIS YEAR IS ALMOST OVER. In the last official episode of 2020, Christine and Asha reflect on this year of many feelings.

  • Navigating Holiday Grief + Joy

    We have landed at the mother of all holiday months; a time that people typically gather in churches, synagogues, homes, or somewhere else. Christine and Asha talk about what they learned from their Thanksgiving experiences, and how to navigate holiday grief and joy, including what they’re embracing and leaning into this holiday season.

  • Media & Entertainment Favorites

    Post-election, Christine and Asha both feel like they have more bandwidth for entertainment and learning. They share what they’re reading, watching, and experimenting with creatively and educationally.


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