
  • Weekend Food Prep Tactics + Ideas [Encore!]

    Christine introduces a new periodic series: “Encore!” episodes won’t just be straight rebroadcasts, they will include fresh tweaks and hacks not in the original episode. Inspired by recent online chatter about her weekend food prep tactics, Christine brings back this weekend food prep episode and adds four encore notes.

  • Simple Food Reset Tactics

    Are you looking to engage in some simple food reset tactics? In this episode brought forth from the locked archive, Christine and Asha share 8 tips related to food-positive recalibration, thinking about your seasonal patterns, reminding yourself about food you love, and figuring out little ways to add nourishing and hydrating elements to your daily routine.

  • Mini Edit: Holiday Cookie Playlist

    Christine shares six holiday cookie favorites, plus two new recipes on her list to try this month.

  • How to Reduce Entertaining Pressure

    In this episode from the locked archive, Christine and Asha share 8 tips for reducing entertaining pressure. Christine also shares about the recent delight of a food demo from a friend (in advance of which she did not tidy a thing).

  • My Journey to Becoming a Glorious Witch

    It’s been a year of magic and growth—literally. Christine shares about her adulting goal of  learning about medicinal herbs, which she lovingly refers to as her journey to becoming a glorious witch. She talks about how the journey started, what she is growing and using, and what she has learned so far. 

  • Easy Pantry Meal Ideas

    Even if you enjoy cooking, it can feel like a slog at the end of a busy day. In this episode brought forth from the locked archives, Christine and Asha talk about 13 of their favorite pantry meals that make meal prep easy. Following the conversation, Christine adds 5 additional staples on regular rotation in her house.


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