Simple Ways to Orient Towards Gratitude
Practicing gratitude can be challenging during tough, complicated times. And the holidays can be tough and complicated—fraught with everything from logistical to emotional to relational tension. In this episode brought forth from the locked archive, Christine and Asha share 8 recommendations for how to pivot towards gratitude in practical ways.
Mini Edit: Holiday Cookie Playlist
Christine shares six holiday cookie favorites, plus two new recipes on her list to try this month.
Mini Edit: Favorite Clutter-Free Gifts
Christine shares her favorite clutter-free options, handmade or bought, across a variety of categories.
Holidays, Lifestyle, Parenting
Mini Edit: Favorite Halloween Hacks
Christine shares her 7 favorite Halloween hacks.
Creating Simple Holiday Rituals
Sometimes the simplest rituals can be the most meaningful and magical. Christine and Asha share 10 ideas for experimenting with new and embracing existing holiday rituals.
Reducing Guilt Around Holiday Gatherings
Humans are complicated, which means holiday gatherings can be complicated. Christine and Asha share 9 tips for reducing guilt around holiday gatherings so you can still be generous of spirit while maintaining boundaries and doing what feels right to you.