Home, Lifestyle, Parenting, Time
Mini Edit: My 13-Week Calendar System
Christine shares about how poster board changed her calendaring life.
Food, Home, Lifestyle, Parenting
Mini Edit: How To Get Kids Functional In the Kitchen
Christine shares 7 tips for how to get kids functional in the kitchen.
The 30-50% Decluttering Target Report
Are you ready for a satisfying approach to micro decluttering? Christine shares the results of her experiment testing out a 30-50% decluttering target, including what worked, what didn’t, and what surprised her.
Guest Interview, Home, Lifestyle
Organized Living Solutions (with Shira Gill)
Why is it important for your home to be a living, breathing reflection of you and your values? Christine chats with Shira Gill—a bestselling author, home organizing expert, and mom—about why a values-based frame for organizing and living is a crucial starting point, as well as common organizing pitfalls, living with kids, sustainable solutions, and more.
Fall Edits (+ A New Decluttering Target)
After a couple of months deep in the emotional and mental decluttering zone, Christine is ready to tackle her house chaos, with a refined lens on what she can (and cannot) control and a new decluttering target.
Mini Edit: Favorite Baking Soda Hacks
As we move into the season of stink, Christine shares about her favorite uses for baking soda.