Why Edit Your Life?

Are you wondering why it’s worth editing your life, or whether doing less = being lazy? Christine and Asha address why it can be hard to edit your life, how the journey is different for everyone, and why editing your life is necessary, doable, and totally awesome. 

And here are links to things/people/resources we mentioned during the podcast:

We want to hear from you!

Tell us one thing you’ve added to — or edited out of — your life! Share via your favorite social profile with the hashtag #EditYourLifeShow, at the Edit Your Life Facebook page, or e-mail us at edityourlifeshow@gmail.com. Also, we’d be so grateful if you’d leave a review for Edit Your Life on iTunes!

Interested in becoming an Edit Your Life episode sponsor?

We’ve got an awesome range of lifestyle/parenting topics in the queue for future episodes. If you’d like to discuss episode sponsorship, drop us a line at edityourlifeshow@gmail.com!



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