Summer Plans

It’s the week of the summer solstice: HELLO, SUMMER! Christine and Asha talk about what they’re thinking about for summer plans, spanning family, friends, health, and travel. They also talk about avoiding overcompensation.

Support Our Sponsors!

We’re grateful to the sponsors of this week’s episode. Please support our show by checking out their awesome! 

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Hiya’s pediatrician-approved chewable vitamins are made from a blend of 12 farm-fresh fruits and vegetables and are supercharged with 15 essential vitamins and minerals. For 50% off​ your first order go to​ or enter​ code EYL ​at checkout. 

Ana Luisa offers chic and affordable jewelry that can be dressed up or down. Go to and use code EDIT to get 10% off your purchase.

At PlushCare you can book a same-day appointment and see a PlushCare doctor right from the comfort of your home using your phone or computer. Go to to start your FREE 30-day trial.

Yon-Ka is a French company that creates luxurious skincare products that are plant-based and affordable. For 20% off your first purchase, go to and use promo code EYL20 (EYL must be in all caps).

Resources mentioned in this episode


Edit Your Life: Summer Plans
Edit Your Life: Summer Plans


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