Recent Posts
Mini Edit: The Power of Seasons Within Seasons
Christine shares five reasons why she believes it is powerful to narrow the scope of focus within typical seasons of life—for example, childhood, young adulthood, midlife—to seasons within seasons.
Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Relationships
Helping Seniors Transition with Compassion (with Grace Rehman)
Are you part of the sandwich generation, working to support a senior with a transition? Christine talks with Grace Rehman about how to compassionately approach senior downsizing and other transitions. They talk about how to hold a lens focused on dignity and respect, dealing with downsizing resistance and volume, and more.
Communication, Lifestyle, Relationships
Nurturing Your Relationships Under Stress
When we’re stressed, all kinds of things can suffer, including our ability to communicate with other people. In this episode Christine and Asha share 7 tips for nurturing your relationship under stress, and then Christine follows with 5 additional recommendations.
Mini Edit: 4 Intriguing Relationship Reads
Christine shares about four recent reads with intriguing and complex relationships threads.
Communication, Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Parenting
Lighthouse Parenting (with Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg)
Wondering about how to parent in a way that increases trust, care, and communication while reducing hovering, distance, and conflict? Christine talks with Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg about lighthouse parenting. They discuss the importance of the long view in parenting, hovering vs. preparation, how to handle stumbles, and more.
Mini Edit: 7 Mood Boosting Tactics
Christine shares 7 mood boosting tactics for when you’re feeling meh.