Education, Food, Home, Lifestyle
My Journey to Becoming a Glorious Witch
It’s been a year of magic and growth—literally. Christine shares about her adulting goal of learning about medicinal herbs, which she lovingly refers to as her journey to becoming a glorious witch. She talks about how the journey started, what she is growing and using, and what she has learned so far.
Creativity, Education, Lifestyle
Cultivating Hobbies + Interests
Prioritizing curiosity and learning through everyday interests is powerful. Christine asked her community “What hobbies/passion projects light you up at present, or do you want to try?” and received nearly 200 responses! She shares about the responses with the hope that they will provide inspiration for your next pursuits.
College Application Reality Check
Are you overwhelmed by—and possibly in despair over—the college application process? In response to a number of requests to talk about supporting kids (and not losing your mind) through college applications, Christine shares eight reality checks to approach and work through the college application process in a way that is true to you and your kid, and will hopefully help avoid unnecessary anxiety.
Creativity, Education, Technology
Media & Entertainment Favorites
Post-election, Christine and Asha both feel like they have more bandwidth for entertainment and learning. They share what they’re reading, watching, and experimenting with creatively and educationally.
Supporting Kids Through Distance Learning
Distance learning is no joke, and everyone’s experiences are so different depending upon where you live, available tech resources, and your employment situation. What used to be a more common experience is no longer like that. Christine and Asha talk about how distance learning is going in their households and share tips for how to tune into the small and large details that will help make distance learning more manageable.
Education, Guest Interview, Parenting
Navigating Pandemic Back-To-School Season (with Dr. Robyn Silverman)
We’re in the thick of back-to-school season; who could have predicted a year ago how stressful it would be? Christine talks to Dr. Robyn Silverman about the current level of doom, gloom, dread, and confusion families are facing and how to navigate back-to-school season amidst the global pandemic. Christine and Robyn talk about focusing on kids’ strengths, managing expectations this fall, how to handle the social/emotional piece for kids, how to build relationships with teachers you and your kids likely won’t see much in person, and how to talk to kids about uncertainty.