Guest Interview

  • Letting Go + Making Leaps (with Dr. Ken Jeong)

    Change can be hard and scary -- the uncertainty, the letting go of security, the need to trust in the act of trying. Christine and Asha talk about and share Christine’s interview with actor Dr. Ken Jeong (of The Hangover and Dr. Ken fame) about making leaps. In this candid interview, Jeong shares about leaving medicine for acting, dealing with fear of failure and other people’s expectations, letting go of control, how his experience has impacted his parenting, and why his wife was the missing link and the catalyst for his success.

  • How To Bust Through Paper Clutter (with Erin Doland)

    The never-ending nature of paper clutter -- incoming mail, bills, and school papers -- is both irritating and anxiety-provoking, and yet most of it can go straight into the recycle bin. In this episode of Edit Your Life, Asha interviews Erin Doland, Real Simple’s organizing columnist and author of the new book, Never Too Busy to Cure Clutter. Asha and Erin discuss the wisdom of handling paper clutter in small bits, note the energy difference between mindful and mindless organizing, and share practical tips for both handling incoming paper and busting through the paper clutter already filling your house.


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