Guest Interview
Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Relationships
How To Improve Partner Communication (with Jonathan Baxter, LMHC)
In response to a vulnerable listener letter, Jonathan Baxter, LMHC, addresses gender roles, power, accountability, humility, communication tactics, trauma, compassion, and more.
Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Parenting
Centering Yourself in the Sandwich Generation (with Asha Dornfest)
Christine welcomes Asha Dornfest back for a conversation about finding the space to center yourself amidst the energy and time spent caregiving in the sandwich generation.
Guest Interview, Holidays, Lifestyle
Gratitude in the Hard Seasons, Part 2 (with KC Davis, LPC)
Hard seasons are ever present. In a pair of conversations on Struggle Care and Edit Your Life, KC Davis and Christine Koh talk about reframing perspectives on gratitude, flexing emotional muscles, accounting for lived experiences, practical coping skills, and more.
Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Parenting, Relationships, Work
Preparing For The Empty Nest (with Meagan Francis)
The empty nest can feel like it comes on suddenly, despite the fact that it takes many years. Christine chats with Meagan Francis about supporting kids who are at home and out of the nest, as well as how to orient towards your anticipated empty nest with intention.
Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Parenting
How To Help Teens Thrive (with Dr. Ken Ginsburg)
How do we best support teens in their development? Christine talks to Dr. Ken Ginsburg about flipping the script on raising teens, supporting teens in using their voices, how to truly listen to kids, helping kids harness idealism, developing resilience, and more.
Advocacy, Creativity, Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Work
Pursuing A Life of Good Work (with Danielle Coke Balfour)
How can we show up to do good work while respecting the many complex dimensions of our humanity? Christine talks with artist, activist, and author Danielle Coke Balfour about expanding the definition of creativity, values alignment, living with intention, tapping into hope while respecting grief, and more.