Guest Interview
Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Parenting
Raising Middle Schoolers (with Phyllis Fagell, LCPC)
Middle school isn’t always easy, but it’s also a time where kids can develop superpowers. Christine chats with licensed clinical professional counselor, author, and freelance journalist Phyllis Fagell about resilience, letting go of parental baggage, boundary setting, and more.
Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Parenting
Raising Teenagers (with Mary Dell Harrington)
Parents often think that once kids become teenagers and are more independent, they need you less, but they actually need you more than ever. Christine chats with Mary Dell Harrington about navigating teen reticence, high school stress, mistakes, different paths, and more.
Communication, Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Relationships, Social Quandaries
How To Deal With Difficult People (with Kristen Howerton, MFT)
Because we live among people, it’s inevitable that some of them will be difficult. Christine talks with therapist Kristen Howerton about how to handle friendship conflict, toxic family members, strained family relationships, difficult co-workers, and more.
Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Parenting, Work
Advocating For Your Needs At Work (with Leslie Forde)
The workplace has changed a lot over the last few years. It’s also become more complicated given that work and home life is more blended than ever. Christine talks to Leslie Forde about common challenges for people juggling caregiving, work, and personal needs, and how to advocate for yourself at work.
Communication, Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Relationships
The Power of Expressing Gratitude (with Nancy Davis Kho)
Gratitude has the power to heal and delight. Christine talks with Nancy Davis Kho, author of The Thank-You Project: Cultivating Happiness One Letter of Gratitude at a Time” about personal lessons learned and the science behind the power of expressing gratitude.
Guest Interview, Home, Lifestyle
Guilt-Free Decluttering (with Tracy McCubbin)
Decluttering often feels overwhelming, but it can be simple, especially when you address your emotional blocks. Christine and professional declutter Tracy McCubbin talk about reframing your thinking about clutter, letting go of shame, and moving through emotional blocks related to your stuff. They also talk about tactics related to clothes, kids stuff, and more.