
  • Guilt-Free Decluttering (with Tracy McCubbin)

    Decluttering often feels overwhelming, but it can be simple, especially when you address your emotional blocks. Christine and professional declutter Tracy McCubbin talk about reframing your thinking about clutter, letting go of shame, and moving through emotional blocks related to your stuff. They also talk about tactics related to clothes, kids stuff, and more.

  • Mini Edit: DIY Fire Starters

    Christine answers the question, “How do you make homemade fire starters?”

  • Decluttering For Everyday Living (with Rachel Rosenthal)

    Are you feeling grumpy about, or overwhelmed by, the clutter around you? Christine shares about how the season of family change in her home has led to a major phase of decluttering and reshuffling. She then revisits an interview with organizing expert Rachel Rosenthal, in which Christine and Rachel talk about tactical yet compassionate decluttering and organization tactics, as well as how to diffuse power struggles and sustain organization.

  • Small Yet Powerful Home Edits

    Isn’t it amazing how long we exist in spaces with aggravating yet fixable problems? The pandemic has given many of us an opportunity to change things up and address nagging problems at home. Christine and Asha talk about the small yet powerful edits that have made their homes more efficient and enjoyable.

  • Preserving Slow Living

    As vaccinations continue to roll out, thoughts of normalcy are on the horizon, though the distance of that horizon varies depending on so many factors. Christine and Asha talk about how they’re planning to preserve slow in relation to work travel, communication, kids’ activities, schedules, routines, and more.

  • Elevating Small Comforts

    Right now, while everything continues to be so hard and our world is so limited, focusing on the small comforts can be incredibly powerful. Christine and Asha talk about the power of learning to perceive tinier bits of comfort and share the everyday things that are bringing them happiness and comfort these days.


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