Mini Edit: Toxic Friendships
Christine answers the question, “How do you move on from a toxic friendship?”
Identifying Your Values
The reason it’s important to think about and articulate your values is that they will help you edit your life. Christine shares about her key values, an exercise to help you identify yours, and framing for the connection between values and creating a life that feels true to you.
Mini Edit: DIY Fire Starters
Christine answers the question, “How do you make homemade fire starters?”
Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Work
Managing Anxiety with Self-Awareness & Compassion (with Morra Aarons-Mele)
How do you find traction and move forward in the face of anxiety? Christine chats with award-winning speaker, author (including the new book, “The Anxious Achiever”), podcaster, and entrepreneur Morra Aarons-Mele about anxiety management tactics, toxic bosses, authenticity of feelings at work, boundary setting, and more.
Communication, Lifestyle, Parenting
Mini Edit: Beginning Sex Ed Conversations
Christine answers the question, “What are the first sex ed conversations I should have with my kid?”
Favorite Things Right Now
Christine shares about her current favorite things spanning home, entertainment, work, beauty, and apparel.