
  • Mini Edit: Beginning Sex Ed Conversations

    Christine answers the question, “What are the first sex ed conversations I should have with my kid?”

  • Favorite Things Right Now

    Christine shares about her current favorite things spanning home, entertainment, work, beauty, and apparel.

  • Mini Edit: Movement Routine Reboot

    Christine answers the question, “How do you recommend getting back into a movement routine?”

  • Thriving In Midlife (with Lizzie Bermudez)

    There’s a lot of grousing about midlife AND there are many gifts this stretch of life brings. Christine talks with Lizzie Bermudez, an Emmy winning TV journalist and co-host of the forthcoming podcast Our Halftime Show. Christine and Lizzie talk about midlife pain points, the upsides around boundary setting and handling judgment, menopause, and more.

  • Simple + Compassionate Parenting Tactics (with Dr. Tina Payne Bryson)

    The days are long but the years are short. And the stress and pressures in everyday parenting seem greater than ever. Christine talks with mom of three, best-selling author, and psychotherapist Dr. Tina Payne Bryson about the brain’s natural developmental runway. Dr. Bryson shares a slew of practical and compassionate parenting tactics and also talks about what kids need in order to thrive, and how to let go of the baggage that gets in the way of us seeing our children for who they are, not what we want them to be.

  • Winter Comfort Foods & Beverages

    What foods and beverages bring you comfort and delight during the cold winter months? Christine shares about her seasonal intake patterns, preferred beverages, and the baked goods and mealtime items that are on high rotation right now. She also shares a favorite recipe collection hack and an update on her micro goals.


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