Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Parenting
Seasonal Subtraction Tactics (with Amy Wilson & Margaret Ables)
We know that less can be more. And sometimes it takes serious intention to subtract. Christine chats with Margaret Ables and Amy Wilson about the importance of subtraction tactics, especially in chaotic seasons.
Why Kids Should Get Jobs
Have you wondered whether kids should try to juggle work alongside homework, extracurriculars, and free time? Christine and Asha talk about the many skills kids can gain from jobs, including and beyond the financial payout.
Guest Interview, Health, Lifestyle, Parenting
What To Look For In A School Sex Ed Curriculum (with Rachael Gibson, PhD)
Are you freaked out or overwhelmed by the prospect of sex ed in school? Are you unsure of what should be included in a school sex ed curriculum? Christine talks with Dr. Rachael Gibson about the ideal age to start sex ed, red and green terminology flags, key topics to include in a comprehensive sex ed curriculum, advocacy, and more.
Communication, Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Parenting
How To Have Sex Positive Conversations (with Melissa Pintor Carnagey, LBSW)
Do you cringe at the prospect of talking to your kids about sex ed topics? In this expansive and compassionate conversation, Christine talks with Melissa Pintor Carnagey, LBSW, about destigmatizing conversations, when to start, communication tactics, creating space for kids who are coming out, pleasure, and more.
Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Parenting
How To Raise Thriving Teens (with Ellen Galinsky)
Are you daunted by the prospect or experience of raising teens? Christine talks with Ellen Galinsky, author of “The Breakthrough Years: A New Scientific Framework for Raising Thriving Teens.” Christine and Ellen talk about dismantling negative teen narratives, communication tactics, achievement culture, and more.
Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Parenting
Raising Kids To Love Reading (with Amy Mascott)
Do you want to support your kid’s love of reading or encourage reluctant readers? Christine chats with reading specialist, educator, and author Amy Mascott about nonjudgmental, everyday tactics to make reading fun.