Mini Edit: How To Be A Good Human Being on the Sidelines
Christine shares tips for being a good supporter on the sidelines of kids sporting events.
Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Parenting, Technology
Growing Up In Public (with Devorah Heitner, PhD)
How do we best help kids navigate growing up in public, especially if parents and caregivers have overstepped on privacy issues?
Mini Edit: Easing College Transitions
Christine shares about how she and her college freshman stayed connected through the challenging transition.
Mini Edit: School Lunch Life Skills
Christine shares tips on how to get kids in the school lunch making game.
Mini Edit: Talking To Kids About Death + Afterlife
Christine answers the question, “What do you tell the kids about the afterlife, what happens after you die, etc.”
Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Parenting
Raising Middle Schoolers (with Phyllis Fagell, LCPC)
Middle school isn’t always easy, but it’s also a time where kids can develop superpowers. Christine chats with licensed clinical professional counselor, author, and freelance journalist Phyllis Fagell about resilience, letting go of parental baggage, boundary setting, and more.