Mini Edit: 7 Ways to Disrupt Responsive Culture
Christine shares 7 tips for disrupting responsive culture with intention and care.
Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Technology
Digital Decluttering Tactics (with Amanda Jefferson)
Oh what a dumpster fire our digital files can be. Christine talks with Amanda Jefferson about shifting our mindset about digital clutter, ideal storage systems, consolidating services, how to handle photos, password security, and more.
Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Parenting, Technology
Growing Up In Public (with Devorah Heitner, PhD)
How do we best help kids navigate growing up in public, especially if parents and caregivers have overstepped on privacy issues?
Lifestyle, Productivity, Technology, Work
Mini Edit: How To Use Todoist
Christine answers the question, “How do you use Todoist?”
Creativity, Education, Technology
Media & Entertainment Favorites
Post-election, Christine and Asha both feel like they have more bandwidth for entertainment and learning. They share what they’re reading, watching, and experimenting with creatively and educationally.
Guest Interview, Parenting, Technology
Dealing With Technology Fatigue (with Leticia Barr)
Amidst all of the uncertainty around this coming school year, the only certainty is that technology will be a part of it. Christine chats with guest host Leticia Barr about how to deal with technology fatigue. Christine and Leticia talk about daily structure, transition, and organizational tips. They also discuss how to handle tech-resistant kids and share their favorite fun tech resources.