
  • Time Management + Productivity (with Laura Vanderkam)

    One of the big scarcities people feel is time; there never seems to be enough of it. Christine chats with time management and productivity expert Laura Vanderkam. Christine and Laura talk about how to reframe your perception of time, Laura’s favorite time management tactics, early morning productivity, and self-care.

  • Fall Check-In

    Well hello there fall...and Asha is back from her summer sabbatical! Christine and Asha check in about their summers then share updates about back-to-school season, family, work, election activism, how they’re coping during the pandemic, and where they are finding fun in life.

  • Serendipity Space

  • Why Edit Your Life?

    Are you wondering why it’s worth editing your life, or whether doing less = being lazy? Christine and Asha address why it can be hard to edit your life, how the journey is different for everyone, and why editing your life is necessary, doable, and totally awesome. 

  • Conquering Procrastination

    Everyone procrastinates about something at some point. Maybe even, like, 14 times a day. So we’re thrilled to kick off our first episode of Edit Your Life with actionable tips and inspiration for conquering procrastination.


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