Recent Posts
Mini Edit: 7 Mood Boosting Tactics
Christine shares 7 mood boosting tactics for when you’re feeling meh.
Communication, Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Relationships
Creating Change Through Conversation + Community (with Dr. Nilanjana Dasgupta)
Feeling overwhelmed and hopeless about how to enact change right now? Christine talks with Dr. Nilanjana Dasgupta about focusing on the power of how we make change at a more immediate, community level, starting right in our neighborhoods. They talk about how to keep going during overwhelming times, how to connect within your neighborhood, the power of storytelling, dealing with performative diversity practices in the workplace, and more.
Weekend Food Prep Tactics + Ideas [Encore!]
Christine introduces a new periodic series: “Encore!” episodes won’t just be straight rebroadcasts, they will include fresh tweaks and hacks not in the original episode. Inspired by recent online chatter about her weekend food prep tactics, Christine brings back this weekend food prep episode and adds four encore notes.
Mini Edit: 8 Ways to Prioritize Community
Christine shares why community building has been on her mind and 8 intentions she is working on to prioritize her community.
Quick Reading Hacks + Book Recommendations (with Traci Thomas)
Do you want to read more but can’t seem to find the time? Christine chats with Traci Thomas about the why and how around reading, how to handle book slumps, reading as a connective thread, and more—including Traci’s only true reading goal, which is shockingly doable.