Recent Posts
Mini Edit: Taming Reusable Container Clutter
Christine shares about the process she developed to finally tame reusable container clutter.
Advocacy, Creativity, Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Work
Pursuing A Life of Good Work (with Danielle Coke Balfour)
How can we show up to do good work while respecting the many complex dimensions of our humanity? Christine talks with artist, activist, and author Danielle Coke Balfour about expanding the definition of creativity, values alignment, living with intention, tapping into hope while respecting grief, and more.
Mini Edit: The Magic of Kitchen Batch Prepping
Christine shares about the magic of kitchen batch prepping.
Home, Lifestyle, Parenting, Time
Mini Edit: My 13-Week Calendar System
Christine shares about how poster board changed her calendaring life.
Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Parenting
How To Talk To Kids About Anything (with Robyn Silverman, PhD)
Do you struggle with conversations with your kids? Christine chats with author and podcaster Dr. Robyn Silverman about key communication tips, identity formation, emotional expression, handling mistakes and failure, and more.
Food, Home, Lifestyle, Parenting
Mini Edit: How To Get Kids Functional In the Kitchen
Christine shares 7 tips for how to get kids functional in the kitchen.