Recent Posts
Mini Edit: DIY Fire Starters
Christine answers the question, “How do you make homemade fire starters?”
Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Work
Managing Anxiety with Self-Awareness & Compassion (with Morra Aarons-Mele)
How do you find traction and move forward in the face of anxiety? Christine chats with award-winning speaker, author (including the new book, “The Anxious Achiever”), podcaster, and entrepreneur Morra Aarons-Mele about anxiety management tactics, toxic bosses, authenticity of feelings at work, boundary setting, and more.
Communication, Lifestyle, Parenting
Mini Edit: Beginning Sex Ed Conversations
Christine answers the question, “What are the first sex ed conversations I should have with my kid?”
Favorite Things Right Now
Christine shares about her current favorite things spanning home, entertainment, work, beauty, and apparel.
Mini Edit: Movement Routine Reboot
Christine answers the question, “How do you recommend getting back into a movement routine?”
Guest Interview, Health, Lifestyle
Thriving In Midlife (with Lizzie Bermudez)
There’s a lot of grousing about midlife AND there are many gifts this stretch of life brings. Christine talks with Lizzie Bermudez, an Emmy winning TV journalist and co-host of the forthcoming podcast Our Halftime Show. Christine and Lizzie talk about midlife pain points, the upsides around boundary setting and handling judgment, menopause, and more.