Recent Posts

  • Summer Socializing

    Like so much else during this pandemic, peoples’ experiences of vaccinated life are all over the map. Christine and Asha talk about how to handle summer socializing in a way that brings joyful human connection while also staying true to what feels right for you and the people in your household.

  • Raising Functional + Kind Kids (with Catherine Newman)

    There are obvious reasons why it’s a good thing to teach kids to be functional human beings. But learning how to do things and how to be helpful and kind has deeper importance, impacts relationships, and is backed by science. Christine talks to Catherine Newman, author of “How to Be a Person: 65 Hugely Useful, Super-Important Skills to Learn before You're Grown Up.” Christine and Catheirne talk about the connection between happiness and being a functional human being, why it matters for relationships and community, and more.

  • Summer Plans

    It’s the week of the summer solstice: HELLO, SUMMER! Christine and Asha talk about what they’re thinking about for summer plans, spanning family, friends, health, and travel. They also talk about avoiding overcompensation.

  • Summer Reading

    Books are magical. They offer a window into different worlds and provide ways to connect us with a variety of experiences and adventures. Christine and Asha talk about books they have read and loved or are planning to read this summer.

  • Embracing Do-Overs

    Many of us are revisiting projects, ideas, and goals dropped over a year ago, or reentering life at a new phase. Christine and Asha talk about the power of embracing do-overs. They talk about big picture ways to reframe do-overs as well as tactical ideas.

  • Supporting Aging Loved Ones

    If you’re caring for kids at home and supporting aging loved ones, there are so many needs in play. Christine and Asha talk about ways to support aging loved ones, including practical matters such as wills and estate planning, to emotional issues such as dealing with siblings, to ways to enjoy time with aging loved ones in the present.


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