Recent Posts

  • How To Raise Kids To Be Thrivers (with Dr. Michele Borba)

    When academic metrics are so front and center in today’s culture, how do we raise a population of strong, healthy kids who are more than just grades on paper? Christine talks to Dr. Michele Borba about her new book, Thrivers: The Surprising Reasons Why Some Kids Struggle and Others Shine. Christine and Michele talk about the cultural obsession with striving, the key character strengths that will help kids become thrivers, why examining core assets and addressing “attention robbers” matters, and how and where overwhelmed parents can get started on the journey to raise kids who will thrive.

  • Elevating Small Comforts

    Right now, while everything continues to be so hard and our world is so limited, focusing on the small comforts can be incredibly powerful. Christine and Asha talk about the power of learning to perceive tinier bits of comfort and share the everyday things that are bringing them happiness and comfort these days.

  • Understanding Privilege + Centering Empathy (with Amber Coleman-Mortley)

    We get it; talking about race and privilege can be difficult. We’re here to help. Christine is joined by the incredible Amber Coleman-Mortley, whose “hugs and truth” approach to communication is basically what all of us need. Christine and Amber talk about approaching and understanding privilege and whiteness, framed around the actions of centering empathy, creating space for others, and learning about other cultures.

  • Home Optimizations for Pandemic Living

    We’ve entered a new calendar year, which means we’ve now been living COVID-constrained lives long enough to learn some new ways of doing things. Christine and Asha talk about small and large ways they have made better use of their physical space in the face of everyone being at home 24/7.

  • How To Survive The Chaotic Start To 2021

    Everyone wanted a fresh start with 2021. But New Year’s optimism was quickly replaced by fear, uncertainty, and anger in the wake of domestic terrorism on January 6. Christine and Asha talk about how to take small, concrete steps to ground yourself and your family during a time that continues to leave us all feeling unmoored and out of control.

  • BONUS: 2020 Blooper Reel!

    Well friends, we have a fun holiday surprise for you! We decided to close out this crazy year with something different; something that embraces imperfection, gives you a window into our silly sides, and hopefully gives you a laugh as we close out this tumultuous year. Welcome to our first (and hopefully not last) Edit Your Life blooper reel!


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