Recent Posts

  • Raising A Screen-Smart Kid (with Juliana Miner)

    Technology is both wonderful and complicated, and the complications grow exponentially as screens go from educational or entertainment “playback” for younger kids to digital eco-system and social “livelihood” for tweens and teens. Christine interviews Julianna Miner about her new book, Raising A Screen-Smart Kid: Embrace the Good and Avoid the Bad in the Digital Age. Christine and Juliana talk about how to decide when to get your kid a phone, kids and digital affirmation, modeling good tech behavior, teaching kids social skills, identifying digital addiction, and understanding digital mentorship.

  • Parenting Siblings (Host Swap with The Mom Hour)

    Introducing a new baby to a freshly-minted big sibling can be daunting, and it’s only the beginning of parenting siblings. Tune into this awesome host swap over at The Mom Hour! In Episode 212 of The Mom Hour, Meagan Francis (of The Mom Hour) and Asha look back at how they managed new baby transitions with older siblings and how sibling relationships continue to evolve in new ways. [Read more]

  • Becoming More Present

    The tension between getting more stuff done and slowing down enough to savor and appreciate what’s happening around you is an ongoing challenge. Christine and Asha share simple ideas for how to be present in daily life when you’ve got a long to-do list hovering over your shoulder. They talk about communication and scheduling tweaks, device-free tactics, boundary setting, and more.

  • Introducing Motherhood Sessions

    If you’ve listened to our media and entertainment review episodes, you’ve heard Christine rave about the Gimlet Media shows Homecoming, Science Vs., and The Habitat. Today we want to introduce you to a new Gimlet Media podcast we think you’ll love: Motherhood Sessions.

  • Facebook Live: Wellness Reboot [Video]

    This summer, we're alternating new podcast episodes with live conversations on the Edit Your Life Facebook page. We're talking about wellness reboots today. Or, should we say, recalibration?

  • How to Teach Kids Life Skills

    It's always a good time for kids to learn real-world life skills, no matter how old they are. And judging by the viral popularity of our recent “100 Life Skills You Can Teach Your Kids in 5 Minutes or Less” list, people want to get started. Christine and Asha follow up on their list with practical tips for how to teach kids life skills. They talk about the importance of frustration tolerance, how to nudge to reluctant kids to learn, the reality that kids sometimes learn more readily from other adults, and the welcome reminder that it’s never too late to start.


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