Guest Interview
Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Relationships
How To Handle the Caregiving Rollercoaster (with Sherry Blake, PhD)
Are you struggling with all of the feelings around caregiving? Christine talks with Dr. Sherry Blake about emotional issues such as guilt, historical relationship baggage, self-care, finding your voice, and more.
Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Relationships
Caregiving Across Generations (with Amy Goyer)
In response to an outpouring of requests for episodes on caregiving, today is the first in a multi-part series on the topic. Christine talks with caregiving expert Amy Goyer about long-distance caregiving, boundary setting, sandwich generation issues, challenges with siblings, parents who are resistant to reality, and more.
Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Work
Workplace MicroSkills (with Adaira Landry, MD + Resa Lewiss, MD)
Work and home are more intertwined than ever so it takes further intention to draw boundaries, conserve energy, and be deliberate about rest. Christine talks with Drs. Adaira Landry and Resa Lewiss about micro skills you can bring into the workplace to make better use of your time, improve communication, find joy, deal with conflict, and more.
Communication, Guest Interview, Lifestyle
Caring Communication with Animals (with Nancy Mello)
Have you ever wondered about how to communicate in a more caring manner with your pet? Christine talks to animal communicator Nancy Mello about life lessons from animals, pet communication tactics, and more.
Guest Interview, Health, Lifestyle, Parenting
What To Look For In A School Sex Ed Curriculum (with Rachael Gibson, PhD)
Are you freaked out or overwhelmed by the prospect of sex ed in school? Are you unsure of what should be included in a school sex ed curriculum? Christine talks with Dr. Rachael Gibson about the ideal age to start sex ed, red and green terminology flags, key topics to include in a comprehensive sex ed curriculum, advocacy, and more.
Communication, Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Parenting
How To Have Sex Positive Conversations (with Melissa Pintor Carnagey, LBSW)
Do you cringe at the prospect of talking to your kids about sex ed topics? In this expansive and compassionate conversation, Christine talks with Melissa Pintor Carnagey, LBSW, about destigmatizing conversations, when to start, communication tactics, creating space for kids who are coming out, pleasure, and more.