Mini Edit: My Simple Holistic Wellness Tracker
Christine shares about the new holistic wellness tracker she developed and has been using with great delight since mid-April.
Finding Adult Friendships + Community (with Melody Warnick)
How do you forge new relationships amidst life shifts? Christine chats with author Melody Warnick about place attachment, how to align your location to your values, practical steps to forge new friendships and anchor into your community, and developing friendships outside of parenting relationships.
Communication, Creativity, Lifestyle
Making Space for Passion Projects
How do you make space for passion projects, especially when there isn’t a monetary goal or your partner isn’t supportive of your endeavors? Christine offers recommendations for how to identify new passion projects and internal goals, create and protect that space, and communicate the importance of them with your partner.
Mini Edit: Favorite Family Games
Christine answers the question, “What are your favorite family games?”
Communication, Guest Interview, Lifestyle, Relationships, Social Quandaries
How To Deal With Difficult People (with Kristen Howerton, MFT)
Because we live among people, it’s inevitable that some of them will be difficult. Christine talks with therapist Kristen Howerton about how to handle friendship conflict, toxic family members, strained family relationships, difficult co-workers, and more.
Mini Edit: How To Handle Food Allergies
Christine answers the question, “How do you handle food allergies with kids, navigating school functions, birthday parties, and other situations?”