Recent Posts

  • Fall Delights

    Well hello, fall! It’s a season that continues to be complicated by COVID but in a different way than last fall, and it also is a season that serves up unique challenges and good things for all of us. Christine and Asha talk about the things that are bringing them delight amidst the challenges of the season.

  • Empty Nest Report

    When you’re in the early parenting weeds, the prospect of your kids eventually moving out seems approximately a million years away. Asha provides a look into the enormous juncture of parenting that is the transition to the empty nest.

  • How To Improve Communication with Kids (with Ned Johnson)

    Finding the right words to say is one of the ongoing challenges in parenting. Christine chats with Ned Johnson, co-author of the recently released "What Do You Say?: How to Talk with Kids to Build Motivation, Stress Tolerance, and a Happy Home." Ned and Christine talk about communication challenges in the time of the pandemic, empathy pitfalls, the power of no-force, stress tolerance, and more.

  • Fall Check-In

    Seasonal transition is the name of the game right now. Christine and Asha talk about what is happening for them in terms of self, family, work, home, and more...all within the context of the pandemic, of course.

  • College Application First Steps

    Summer is winding down, which means that college application stress is winding up. High school seniors and their families face unique challenges this second COVID-touched school year, so Asha wanted to share her perspective. Asha offers an inside look at what it was like to support two very different kids through the college application process (the youngest of whom is days away from starting as a college freshman). Listen now for tips, perspective, and, hopefully, comfort, as you embark on this sometimes-maddening, exciting ride with your almost-flown kid.

  • Summer Food Inspiration

    One thing that hasn’t changed during the pandemic is the need to cook and eat food. Christine and Asha talk about what they’re cooking, buying, and eating, including some favorite simple food hacks.


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