Recent Posts
How To Move From Despair To Action
Wow, the world is A LOT right now. Joan Baez famously said, “Action is the antidote to despair,” yet the space in between—that moment between despair and action—can sometimes feel so big. Christine and Asha talk about the importance of being quiet amidst hard times, and how to take really small steps to move from a space of despair to one of action.
Embracing Vulnerability + Power In Sharing (with Laura Tremaine)
Being vulnerable and sharing yourself can be difficult, whether in person or on social media. Christine talks with Laura Tremaine (host of the podcast 10 Things To Tell You and author of the forthcoming book Share Your Stuff. I'll Go First. 10 Questions to Take Your Friendships to the Next Level) about sharing as an antidote to loneliness, the challenges women face sharing, how to handle critics, establishing sharing boundaries around family, and ninja friendship tips.
Fall Check-In
Well hello there fall...and Asha is back from her summer sabbatical! Christine and Asha check in about their summers then share updates about back-to-school season, family, work, election activism, how they’re coping during the pandemic, and where they are finding fun in life.
Tapping Into Creative Fierceness (with Lucrecer Braxton)
Many people feel daunted by the recommendation to be creative. But there’s no need; creativity comes in many forms and often the opportunities are right around you and don’t involve money for supplies. Christine chats with Lucrecer Braxton about tapping into creative fierceness; how to carve out time and find creativity around you. They also talk about the intersection of creativity and activism, the pros and cons of side hustles, and favorite resources.
Education, Guest Interview, Parenting
Navigating Pandemic Back-To-School Season (with Dr. Robyn Silverman)
We’re in the thick of back-to-school season; who could have predicted a year ago how stressful it would be? Christine talks to Dr. Robyn Silverman about the current level of doom, gloom, dread, and confusion families are facing and how to navigate back-to-school season amidst the global pandemic. Christine and Robyn talk about focusing on kids’ strengths, managing expectations this fall, how to handle the social/emotional piece for kids, how to build relationships with teachers you and your kids likely won’t see much in person, and how to talk to kids about uncertainty.
Guest Interview, Parenting, Technology
Dealing With Technology Fatigue (with Leticia Barr)
Amidst all of the uncertainty around this coming school year, the only certainty is that technology will be a part of it. Christine chats with guest host Leticia Barr about how to deal with technology fatigue. Christine and Leticia talk about daily structure, transition, and organizational tips. They also discuss how to handle tech-resistant kids and share their favorite fun tech resources.